Average Cost for Pursuing Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in Australia
The higher education infrastructure of Australia offers dynamic and innovative courses in multiple disciplines at all levels of study. The three kinds of higher education institutions in Australia are the general universities, vocational education and training institutes and English language training institutes. Renowned the world over for superior facilities and engaging coursework, Australian higher education institutions have a history of providing excellent education within their premises at relatively low costs to students all around the globe. It is the third most popular destination for higher studies among international students. Comparatively low higher education costs and cost-effectiveness make Australia a welcome abode for higher studies aspirants from all corners of the globe. The international acclaim for Australian higher education is thus partly due to its low tuition fees when compared with colleges and universities in the USA or the United Kingdom.
While the fees vary according to the course and institutions for higher education in Australia, public education providers have a lower range of fees for all courses across all levels of study than the private ones. The immigration authorities of Australia permit international students to engage in part-time work on a student visa. The international students applying to the Australian higher education institutions are required to pay their yearly tuition fees beforehand. There are also numerous public, private and institution-specific scholarships available for local and international students that take care of the finances substantially. The universities and other higher education providers offer advice on financial planning and management of the tuition fees and other expenses for studying in Australia. Here is a look at the tuition fees of education in Australia, according to the undergraduate and postgraduate levels of study.
- Undergraduate tuition fees
The higher education institutions in Australia offer multiple undergraduate study options for several disciplines that culminate in a bachelor’s degree. The general undergraduate courses in Australia are usually three years in duration whereas most technical and professional undergraduate courses take four years to complete. The cost of undergraduate level of study in the higher education institutions in Australia varies between the public and private kinds of education providers. While public institutions have comparatively low tuition fees, private institutions charge a bit more for courses offered at undergraduate levels of study.
The average tuition fees for undergraduate level of study in Australia are as follows.
- Public institutions of higher education: The public higher education institutions have average tuition fees in the range of AU$ 15,000 to 20,000 per year for the various undergraduate courses offered.
- Private institutions of higher education: The private higher education cost in Australia for undergraduate level of study is approximately AU$ 33,000 per year.
Popular undergraduate courses in Australia:
The most popular undergraduate courses of study among international students in Australia are in the disciplines of engineering, construction planning and management, business studies, law and legal studies, finance and accounting, economics, business management and administration, ecological studies, sustainable development, design and computer science.
- Postgraduate tuition fees
Australian higher education institutions are renowned for their myriad master’s or postgraduate courses offered in both general disciplines as well as technical and professional fields of study. In case of the tuition fees in master’s or postgraduate level of study abroad in Australia, public and private higher education institutions have a varying range. The system of higher education in Australian has a research-inclined master’s study framework with more courses devoted towards research and innovation in the specialised disciplines. The country offers multiple postgraduate courses suited to the industry and education needs. The postgraduate level of study in the Australian higher education institutions has proven to be quite alluring for international students from all around the world.
The average tuition fees for postgraduate level of study in the Australian universities are as follows.
- Public institutions of higher education: The publicly funded universities in Australia have average tuition fees of AU$ 20,000 per year for postgraduate courses.
- Private institutions of higher education: The tuition fees at the private higher education institutions in Australia are approximately AU$ 37,000 per year for postgraduate courses.
Popular postgraduate courses in Australia:
The topmost postgraduate course picks among international students in Australia are in the disciplines of medicine, psychology, nursing, pharmaceutical studies, law and legal studies, marketing management, finance and accounting, business computing technologies, applied economics, agriculture studies and marine sciences.
- Other expenses
Apart from the tuition fees, international students in the higher education institutions in Australia are required to cover two additional mandatory expenses. The Australian higher education ministry regulations require all higher education providers in the country to charge these specific fees in addition to the tuition fees. The following are the details of the additional fees in Australian higher education institutions.
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF):
The higher education institutions in Australia charge a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) of a maximum of AU$ 287 per year from the international students for the non-academic services and amenities they provide. The services and facilities included under the SSAF are recreational activities or sports, accommodation assistance, career counselling and employment assistance, financial planning advice, childcare assistance and food services.
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC):
The Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is a student health insurance that the international students are required to pay for during the course of their stay and study in Australia. This insurance can be purchased from a suitable insurer and must cover the basic health needs of the international student legally required to study in Australia. Some also opt for a more expensive insurance to cover more than just the basic needs. The minimum cost for a student health insurance coverage policy is around AU$ 437.
The annual tuition fees for the respective levels of study, SSAF and OSHC cumulatively form the yearly expenses for an international student in Australia. Offering a plethora of courses in the bachelor’s and master’s level, the higher education institutions in Australia are thus renowned for their cost-effective excellent higher education structure and facilities.
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